31 May, 2010

Shoe Tutorial

I have had a lot of convos suggesting I put a basic tutorial on my blog of how these shoes are made. Here is a run down of how I make the loafers.

Place elastic over the "upper" piece and stitch in place.

With right sides together, place the inside "upper" piece (with fusible interface ironed on) over the top - pin & sew.

Turn and press.

Match and sew heels.

Turn and press.

Place a "sole" piece under the inside lining & sew all the way around the sole.

You now have something starting to look like a shoe.

Place another "sole" piece over the top.

Sew 3/4 the way around & turn the shoe right side out.

Hand sew the gap closed using the drawing stitch (drawing stitch included in my pattern instructions)


Now - you just need to purchase the pattern pieces from my Etsy shop in children sizes 8 - 12!
Of course - the instructions come with more pictures and better written instructions :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I finally found a way to contact you! I wanted to purchase one of your patterns, but I forgot that you have to have an etsy account. I just deleted my account and really don't want to create a new one since this is the only thing in 3 years that I've really wanted to buy.
    Would it be possible for me to just send you money via Paypal with the pattern that I want and my email address?
    Thank you,
    Wendy (wendyhartford.com)
